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Compara múltiples rangos de fechas

Después de la aclaración en el comentario.

Tu tarea tal como la entiendo:

Comprobar todos los individuos suministrados intervalos de fechas (filter ) si están cubiertos por el combinado intervalos de fechas de conjuntos de códigos en su tabla (invoice ).

Se puede hacer con SQL simple, pero no es una tarea trivial . Los pasos podrían ser:

  1. Proporcione intervalos de fechas como filtros.

  2. Combinar rangos de fechas en invoice tabla por código. Puede dar como resultado uno o más rangos por código.

  3. Busque superposiciones entre filtros y facturas combinadas

  4. Clasificar:totalmente cubierto/parcialmente cubierto. Puede resultar en una cobertura total, una o dos coberturas parciales o ninguna cobertura. Reducir al nivel máximo de cobertura.

  5. Muestre una fila para cada combinación de (filtro, código) con la cobertura resultante, en un orden de clasificación sensato

Rangos de filtro ad hoc

WITH filter(filter_id, startdate, enddate) AS (
      (1, '2012-05-01'::date, '2012-06-05'::date) -- list filters here.
     ,(2, '2012-05-01', '2012-05-31')
     ,(3, '2012-06-01', '2012-06-30')
SELECT * FROM filter;

O ponlos en una mesa (temporal) y usa la mesa en su lugar.

Combina intervalos de fechas superpuestos/adyacentes por código

    SELECT code, startdate, enddate
          ,max(enddate) OVER (PARTITION BY code ORDER BY startdate) AS max_end
-- Calculate the cumulative maximum end of the ranges sorted by start
    FROM   invoice
    ), b AS (
    SELECT *
          ,CASE WHEN lag(max_end) OVER (PARTITION BY code
                                        ORDER BY startdate) + 2 > startdate
-- Compare to the cumulative maximum end of the last row.
-- Only if there is a gap, start a new group. Therefore the + 2.
           THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS step
    FROM   a
    ), c AS (
    SELECT code, startdate, enddate, max_end
          ,sum(step) OVER (PARTITION BY code ORDER BY startdate) AS grp
-- Members of the same date range end up in the same grp
-- If there is a gap, the grp number is incremented one step
    FROM   b
SELECT code, grp
      ,min(startdate) AS startdate
      ,max(enddate) AS enddate
FROM   c
GROUP  BY 1, 2
ORDER  BY 1, 2

SELECT final alternativo (puede ser más rápido o no, tendrás que probar):

          ,first_value(startdate) OVER w AS startdate
          ,last_value(enddate) OVER w AS enddate
FROM   c
WINDOW W AS (PARTITION BY code, grp ORDER BY startdate
ORDER  BY 1, 2;

Combinar en una consulta

    -- supply one or more filter values
    filter(filter_id, startdate, enddate) AS (
      (1, '2012-05-01'::date, '2012-06-05'::date) -- cast values in first row
     ,(2, '2012-05-01', '2012-05-31')
     ,(3, '2012-06-01', '2012-06-30')
    -- combine date ranges per code
    ,a AS (
    SELECT code, startdate, enddate
          ,max(enddate) OVER (PARTITION BY code ORDER BY startdate) AS max_end
    FROM   invoice
    ), b AS (
    SELECT *
          ,CASE WHEN (lag(max_end) OVER (PARTITION BY code ORDER BY startdate)
                      + 2) > startdate THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS step
    FROM   a
    ), c AS (
    SELECT code, startdate, enddate, max_end
          ,sum(step) OVER (PARTITION BY code ORDER BY startdate) AS grp
    FROM   b
    ), i AS ( -- substitutes original invoice table
    SELECT code, grp
          ,min(startdate) AS startdate
          ,max(enddate) AS enddate
    FROM   c
    GROUP  BY 1, 2
    -- match filters
    , x AS (
    SELECT f.filter_id, i.code
            ,bool_or(f.startdate >= i.startdate
              AND f.enddate   <= i.enddate) AS full_cover
    FROM   filter f
    JOIN   i ON i.enddate >= f.startdate
            AND i.startdate <= f.enddate -- only overlapping
    GROUP  BY 1,2
SELECT f.*, i.code
      ,CASE x.full_cover
        WHEN TRUE  THEN 'fully covered'
        WHEN FALSE THEN 'partially covered'
        ELSE            'invoice missing'
       END AS covered
CROSS  JOIN filter f -- all combinations of filter and code
LEFT   JOIN x USING (filter_id, code)    -- join in overlapping
ORDER  BY filter_id, code;

Probado y funciona para mí en PostgreSQL 9.1.