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¿Cómo creo una restricción de verificación de varias tablas?

El mejor lugar para hacer cumplir la integridad de los datos es la base de datos. ¡Tenga la seguridad de que algún desarrollador, intencionadamente o no, encontrará una manera de colar cosas inconsistentes en la base de datos si se lo permite!

Aquí hay un ejemplo con restricciones de verificación:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SignupMismatches()
    SELECT count(*)
    FROM Shift s
    LEFT JOIN EventVolunteer ev
    ON ev.EventId = s.EventId
    AND ev.VolunteerId = s.VolunteerId
    WHERE ev.Id is null
ALTER TABLE Shift ADD CONSTRAINT chkSignup CHECK (dbo.SignupMismatches() = 0);
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.OverlapMismatches()
    SELECT count(*)
    FROM Shift a
    JOIN Shift b
    ON a.id <> b.id
    AND a.Start < b.[End]
    AND a.[End] > b.Start
    AND a.VolunteerId = b.VolunteerId
ALTER TABLE Shift ADD CONSTRAINT chkOverlap CHECK (dbo.OverlapMismatches() = 0);

Aquí hay algunas pruebas para las nuevas verificaciones de integridad de datos:

insert into Volunteer (name) values ('Dubya')
insert into Event (name) values ('Build Wall Around Texas')

-- Dubya tries to build a wall, but Fails because he's not signed up
insert into Shift (VolunteerID, EventID, Description, Start, [End]) 
    values (1, 1, 'Dunbya Builds Wall', '2010-01-01', '2010-01-02')

-- Properly signed up?  Good
insert into EventVolunteer (VolunteerID, EventID) 
    values (1, 1)
insert into Shift (VolunteerID, EventID, Description, Start, [End]) 
    values (1, 1, 'Dunbya Builds Wall', '2010-01-01', '2010-01-03')

-- Fails, you can't start the 2nd wall before you finished the 1st
insert into Shift (VolunteerID, EventID, Description, Start, [End]) 
    values (1, 1, 'Dunbya Builds Second Wall', '2010-01-02', '2010-01-03')

Aquí están las definiciones de la tabla:

set nocount on
if OBJECT_ID('Shift') is not null
    drop table Shift
if OBJECT_ID('EventVolunteer') is not null
    drop table EventVolunteer
if OBJECT_ID('Volunteer') is not null
    drop table Volunteer
if OBJECT_ID('Event') is not null
    drop table Event
if OBJECT_ID('SignupMismatches') is not null
    drop function SignupMismatches
if OBJECT_ID('OverlapMismatches') is not null
    drop function OverlapMismatches

create table Volunteer (
    id int identity primary key
,   name varchar(50)
create table Event (
    Id int identity primary key
,   name varchar(50)
create table Shift (
    Id int identity primary key
,   VolunteerId int foreign key references Volunteer(id)
,   EventId int foreign key references Event(id)
,   Description varchar(250)
,   Start datetime
,   [End] datetime
create table EventVolunteer (
    Id int identity primary key
,   VolunteerId int foreign key references Volunteer(id)
,   EventId int foreign key references Event(id)
,   Location varchar(250)
,   [Day] datetime
,   Description varchar(250)