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t-sql seleccione obtener todos los meses dentro de un rango de años

Dios mío, amigos ... usar un "CTE recursivo de conteo" o "rCTE" es tan malo o peor que usar un bucle. Consulte el siguiente artículo para saber por qué digo eso.


Aquí hay una forma de hacerlo sin ningún RBAR, incluido el "RBAR oculto" de un rCTE de conteo.

--===== Declare and preset some obviously named variables
        @EndDate   DATETIME
 SELECT @StartDate = '2010-01-14', --We'll get the month for both of these 
        @EndDate   = '2020-12-05'  --dates and everything in between
cteDates AS
(--==== Creates a "Tally Table" structure for months to add to start date
     -- calulated by the difference in months between the start and end date.
     -- Then adds those numbers to the start of the month of the start date.
 SELECT TOP (DATEDIFF(mm,@StartDate,@EndDate) + 1)
        MonthDate = DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,@StartDate) 
                  + (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) -1),0)
   FROM sys.all_columns ac1
  CROSS JOIN sys.all_columns ac2
--===== Slice each "whole month" date into the desired display values.
 SELECT [Year]  = YEAR(MonthDate),
        [Month] = MONTH(MonthDate) 
   FROM cteDates