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Seguimiento de turnos programados de SQL Server cuando varía el día

Lo siguiente genera una tabla de turnos. No está exactamente claro lo que desea hacer, pero debería poder realizar ingeniería inversa para determinar el cambio de la fecha/hora de un evento utilizando algunos de los cálculos que se muestran aquí.

EDITAR :case corregido para manejar al patrón 2/2/3/2.

; with Samples as (
  -- Start at the beginning of 2013.
  select Cast( '01-01-2013 00:00' as DateTime ) as Sample
  union all
  -- Add hours up to the desired end date.
  select DateAdd( hour, 1, Sample )
    from Samples
    where Sample <= '2013-01-30'
  ExtendedSamples as (
  -- Calculate the number of days since the beginning of the first shift on 1/1/2013.
  select Sample, DateDiff( hour, '01-01-2013 07:00', Sample ) / 24 as Days
    from Samples ),
  Shifts as (
  -- Calculate the shifts for each day.
  select *,
    case when ( Days + 1 ) % 9 in ( 0, 1, 4, 5 ) then 'C/D' else 'A/B' end as Shifts
    from ExtendedSamples )
  select *,
    case when DatePart( hour, Sample ) between 7 and 18 then Substring( Shifts, 1, 1 ) else Substring( Shifts, 3, 1 ) end as Shift
    from Shifts
    option ( maxrecursion 0 )