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Cómo comparar grupos de tuplas en sql

Algo como esto

create table t1 (group_id varchar2(20), value varchar2(20));
create table t2 (group_id varchar2(20), value varchar2(20));

insert into t1 values ('A','FOO');
insert into t1 values ('A','BAR');
insert into t1 values ('X','HHH');
insert into t1 values ('X','ZOO');
insert into t2 values ('C','FOO');
insert into t2 values ('C','BAR');
insert into t2 values ('B','ZOO');

select t1.group_id t1_group,t2.group_id t2_group, 
      --t1.all_val, t2.all_val, 
       case when t1.all_val = t2.all_val then 'match' else 'no match' end coll_match
  (select 'T1' tab_id, group_id, collect(value) all_val, 
          min(value) min_val, max(value) max_val, count(distinct value) cnt_val 
  from t1 group by group_id) t1
full outer join
  (select 'T2' tab_id, group_id, collect(value) all_val, 
          min(value) min_val, max(value) max_val, count(distinct value) cnt_val 
  from t2 group by group_id) t2
on t1.min_val = t2.min_val and t1.max_val = t2.max_val and t1.cnt_val = t2.cnt_val

Hice una eliminación preliminar basada en el mínimo, el máximo y la cantidad de valores distintos en cada grupo, lo que ayudaría con grandes conjuntos de datos. Si los conjuntos de datos son lo suficientemente pequeños, es posible que no los necesite.

Eso te dice los partidos. Solo necesita empujarlo un paso más para encontrar los grupos que no tienen coincidencias

select t1_group
  select t1.group_id t1_group,t2.group_id t2_group, 
        --t1.all_val, t2.all_val, 
         case when t1.all_val = t2.all_val then 'match' end coll_match
    (select 'T1' tab_id, group_id, collect(value) all_val
    from t1 group by group_id) t1
  cross join
    (select 'T2' tab_id, group_id, collect(value) all_val
    from t2 group by group_id) t2
group by t1_group
having min(coll_match) is null

select t2_group
  select t1.group_id t1_group,t2.group_id t2_group, 
        --t1.all_val, t2.all_val, 
         case when t1.all_val = t2.all_val then 'match' end coll_match
    (select 'T1' tab_id, group_id, collect(value) all_val
    from t1 group by group_id) t1
  cross join
    (select 'T2' tab_id, group_id, collect(value) all_val
    from t2 group by group_id) t2
group by t2_group
having min(coll_match) is null