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¿Cómo creo una tabla con restricciones mientras obtengo datos de otra tabla?

Parece que necesita usar una clave compuesta para su tabla WRITERS. Ejemplo (probado con Oracle 12c y 11g, dbfiddle aquí ):

-- 4 authors
create table author ( authorid primary key, fname, lname )
select 1, 'fname_1', 'lname_1' from dual union all
select 2, 'fname_2', 'lname_2' from dual union all
select 3, 'fname_3', 'lname_3' from dual union all
select 4, 'fname_4', 'lname_4' from dual ;

-- 7 books
create table books ( isbn primary key, title )
select '978-1449324451', 'title_1' from dual union all
select '978-1449324452', 'title_2' from dual union all
select '978-1449324453', 'title_3' from dual union all
select '978-1449324454', 'title_1_4' from dual union all 
select '978-1449324455', 'title_2_4' from dual union all
select '978-1449324456', 'title_3_4' from dual union all
select '978-1449324457', 'title_4_4' from dual ;

-- suppose that 4 books are written by one and the same author
create table bookauthor( authorid, isbn )
select A.authorid, B.isbn
from author A 
  join books B on A.authorid = substr( B.title, length( B.title ), 1 ) ;

Agregue algunas restricciones a la tabla BOOKAUTHOR y verifique su contenido:

-- authorid, isbn
alter table bookauthor 
add (
  constraint ba_fk1 foreign key( authorid ) references author( authorid )
, constraint ba_fk2 foreign key( isbn ) references books( isbn )
, constraint ba_pk primary key ( authorid, isbn )
) ;

SQL> select * from bookauthor;
  AUTHORID ISBN          
---------- --------------
         1 978-1449324451
         2 978-1449324452
         3 978-1449324453
         4 978-1449324454
         4 978-1449324455
         4 978-1449324456
         4 978-1449324457

Código DDL "original" (con modificaciones menores) -> INSERT falla

create table writers (
  authorid varchar2( 4 )
, lname varchar2( 10 )
, fname varchar2( 10 )
, isbn char( 14 )
, title varchar2( 30 ) constraint title_nn not null
, constraint wt_pk primary key ( authorid )
, constraint wt_fk foreign key( isbn ) references books( isbn )

SELECT authorid, fname, lname, isbn, title 
FROM author 
   JOIN bookauthor USING(authorid) 
   JOIN books USING(isbn);
-- ORA-00001: unique constraint (...WT_PK) violated 
-- author 4 with 4 books!

Código DDL sugerido (y pruebas):

create table writers2 (
  authorid varchar2( 4 )
, lname varchar2( 10 )
, fname varchar2( 10 )
, isbn char( 14 )
, title varchar2( 30 ) constraint title_nn2 not null
, constraint wt_pk2 primary key ( authorid, isbn )
, constraint wt_fk2 foreign key( isbn ) references books( isbn )

INSERT INTO writers2
SELECT authorid, fname, lname, isbn, title 
FROM author 
   JOIN bookauthor USING(authorid) 
   JOIN books USING(isbn);
-- 7 rows inserted.


SQL> select * from writers2 ;

AUTH LNAME      FNAME      ISBN           TITLE                         
---- ---------- ---------- -------------- ------------------------------
1    fname_1    lname_1    978-1449324451 title_1                       
2    fname_2    lname_2    978-1449324452 title_2                       
3    fname_3    lname_3    978-1449324453 title_3                       
4    fname_4    lname_4    978-1449324454 title_1_4                     
4    fname_4    lname_4    978-1449324455 title_2_4                     
4    fname_4    lname_4    978-1449324456 title_3_4                     
4    fname_4    lname_4    978-1449324457 title_4_4 

Sin embargo, no estoy seguro de por qué necesitaría la tabla WRITERS, ya que puede generar sus datos ejecutando una consulta.