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Error de deserialización de objetos en la actualización de ojdbc14 a ojdbc6

** Si tiene prisa, simplemente descargue el archivo ojdbc6.jar personalizado y utilícelo. No tienes que hacer nada más.


Resumen de mi respuesta

  1. Primero, descompile las clases mencionadas a continuación.

    • oracle.sql.DatumWithConnection.class

    • oracle.sql.BLOB.clase

  2. Luego, agregue los serialVersionUID antiguos a estas clases. (Los ID de versiones anteriores están disponibles en el registro de errores)

  3. Después de eso, vuelva a compilar las clases.
  4. Por último, actualice ojdbc6.jar con las nuevas clases para actualizar y personalizar la biblioteca ojdbc. Eso es todo.

Si desea construir el JAR manualmente, lea y siga las instrucciones que se mencionan a continuación.

Cómo Construir el JAR Personalizado

  1. Primero, descompile las clases mencionadas a continuación en el archivo ojdbc6.jar.

    • oracle.sql.DatumWithConnection.class

    • oracle.sql.BLOB.clase

    Para descompilar, puede usar "Java Decompiler" en http://jd.benow.ca/

(Estas eran las clases que estaban dando problemas al leer un objeto BLOB guardado de la base de datos).

  1. Cree un proyecto java simple (Archivo--> Nuevo--> JavaProject) en eclipse o utilice Proyecto sencillo he creado.

Si está creando un nuevo proyecto, agregue los archivos java descompilados con la estructura de empaquetado adecuada (oracle.sql). También debe agregar el archivo ojdbc6.jar a la ruta de compilación de este proyecto.

  1. Luego agregue los serialVersionUID antiguos en estos archivos java descompilados. (También se requieren cambios adicionales para compilar estos archivos java. Consulte los archivos java actualizados a continuación)

     DatumWithConnection.java ->    private static final long serialVersionUID = 491462912477014233L;
     BLOB.java          ->  private static final long serialVersionUID = 2160152488501369185L;
  2. Después de eso, compila el proyecto y obtén las clases recompiladas.

  3. Finalmente, actualice ojdbc6.jar con las nuevas clases para actualizar y personalizar la biblioteca ojdbc. Eso es todo

    5.1 Cree una nueva carpeta con el nombre "JAR actualizado".

    5.2 Copie el archivo ojdbc6.jar en esa carpeta.D:\JARS\Updated JAR\ojdbc.jar

    5.3 Debajo de esa carpeta, cree dos nuevas carpetas para construir la estructura del paquete para los archivos de clase (\oracle\sql)

    5.4 Agregue ambos archivos de clase a la carpeta "sql".

     D:\JARS\Updated JAR\oracle\sql\DatumWithConnection.class
     D:\JARS\Updated JAR\oracle\sql\BLOB.class

    5.5 Abra una nueva línea de comandos y cambie el directorio (cd) a la ubicación donde se encuentra el archivo jar.

    >cd D:\JARS\Updated JAR

    5.6 Para actualizar el archivo jar con los nuevos archivos de clase, utilice los comandos mencionados a continuación en la línea de comandos.

    >jar uf ojdbc6.jar oracle\sql\DatumWithConnection.class
    >jar uf ojdbc6.jar oracle\sql\BLOB.class

    5.7 Ahora tiene un archivo ojdbc6.jar personalizado que funciona con los objetos BLOB que se serializaron y guardaron con ojdbc14.jar

Clases java actualizadas.


    package oracle.sql;

    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver;
    import oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleDatumWithConnection;

    public abstract class DatumWithConnection
      extends Datum
      implements OracleDatumWithConnection

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 491462912477014233L;

    private oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConnection physicalConnection = null;

      oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConnection getPhysicalConnection()
        if (this.physicalConnection == null) {
            this.physicalConnection = ((oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConnection)new OracleDriver().defaultConnection());
          catch (SQLException localSQLException) {}
        return this.physicalConnection;

      public DatumWithConnection(byte[] paramArrayOfByte)
        throws SQLException

      public DatumWithConnection() {}

      public static void assertNotNull(Connection paramConnection)
        throws SQLException
        if (paramConnection == null)
          SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(null, 68, "Connection is null");
          throw localSQLException;

      public static void assertNotNull(TypeDescriptor paramTypeDescriptor)
        throws SQLException
        if (paramTypeDescriptor == null)
          SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(null, 61);
          throw localSQLException;

      public void setPhysicalConnectionOf(Connection paramConnection)
        this.physicalConnection = ((oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection)paramConnection).physicalConnectionWithin();

      public Connection getJavaSqlConnection()
        throws SQLException
        return getPhysicalConnection().getWrapper();

      public oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection getOracleConnection()
        throws SQLException
        return getPhysicalConnection().getWrapper();

      public oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConnection getInternalConnection()
        throws SQLException
        return getPhysicalConnection();

       * @deprecated
      public oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection getConnection()
        throws SQLException
        oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection localOracleConnection = null;
          localOracleConnection = (oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection)((oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection)this.physicalConnection).getWrapper();
        catch (ClassCastException localClassCastException)
          SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(), 103);
          throw localSQLException;
        return localOracleConnection;

      protected oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConnection getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling()
        return this.physicalConnection;

      private static final String _Copyright_2007_Oracle_All_Rights_Reserved_ = null;
      public static final boolean TRACE = false;


    package oracle.sql;

    import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.OutputStream;
    import java.io.Reader;
    import java.sql.Blob;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.jdbc.LargeObjectAccessMode;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError;
    import oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleBlob;

    public class BLOB extends DatumWithConnection implements OracleBlob {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 2160152488501369185L;

        public static final int MAX_CHUNK_SIZE = 32768;
        public static final int DURATION_SESSION = 10;
        public static final int DURATION_CALL = 12;
        static final int OLD_WRONG_DURATION_SESSION = 1;
        static final int OLD_WRONG_DURATION_CALL = 2;
        public static final int MODE_READONLY = 0;
        public static final int MODE_READWRITE = 1;
        BlobDBAccess dbaccess;
        int dbChunkSize;
        boolean isFree;
        boolean fromObject;
        private long cachedLobLength;
        private byte[] prefetchData;
        private int prefetchDataSize;
        private boolean activePrefetch;
        static final int KDLCTLSIZE = 16;
        static final int KDF_FLAG = 88;
        static final int KDLIDDAT = 8;
        private static final String _Copyright_2007_Oracle_All_Rights_Reserved_ = null;
        public static final boolean TRACE = false;
        public static Object localObject;

        protected BLOB() {
            this.dbChunkSize = -1;
            this.isFree = false;

            this.fromObject = false;

            this.cachedLobLength = -1L;

            this.prefetchDataSize = 0;
            this.activePrefetch = false;

        public BLOB(oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection paramOracleConnection) throws SQLException {
            this(paramOracleConnection, null);

        public BLOB(oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection paramOracleConnection, byte[] paramArrayOfByte, boolean paramBoolean)
                throws SQLException {
            this(paramOracleConnection, paramArrayOfByte);

            this.fromObject = paramBoolean;

        public BLOB(oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection paramOracleConnection, byte[] paramArrayOfByte) throws SQLException {

            this.dbChunkSize = -1;
            this.isFree = false;

            this.fromObject = false;

            this.cachedLobLength = -1L;

            this.prefetchDataSize = 0;
            this.activePrefetch = false;


            this.dbaccess = getPhysicalConnection().createBlobDBAccess();


        public long length() throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            long l = -1L;

            if ((this.activePrefetch) && (this.cachedLobLength != -1L))
                l = this.cachedLobLength;
            else if (canReadBasicLobDataInLocator())
                l = dilLength();
                l = getDBAccess().length(this);
            return l;

        public byte[] getBytes(long paramLong, int paramInt) throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                localObject = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(), 192);
                ((SQLException) localObject).fillInStackTrace();
                throw ((SQLException) localObject);
            if ((paramInt < 0) || (paramLong < 1L)) {
                localObject = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(), 68, "getBytes()");
                ((SQLException) localObject).fillInStackTrace();
                throw ((SQLException) localObject);

            if (canReadBasicLobDataInLocator()) {
                return dilGetBytes(paramLong, paramInt);

            Object localObject = null;

            if (paramInt == 0) {
                return new byte[0];
            if ((this.activePrefetch) && (((this.cachedLobLength == 0L)
                    || ((this.cachedLobLength > 0L) && (paramLong - 1L >= this.cachedLobLength))))) {
                localObject = null;
            } else {
                long l = 0L;
                byte[] arrayOfByte;
                if ((this.activePrefetch) && (this.cachedLobLength != -1L))
                    arrayOfByte = new byte[Math.min((int) this.cachedLobLength, paramInt)];
                else {
                    arrayOfByte = new byte[paramInt];

                l = getBytes(paramLong, paramInt, arrayOfByte);

                if (l > 0L) {
                    if (l == paramInt) {
                        localObject = arrayOfByte;
                    } else {
                        localObject = new byte[(int) l];

                        System.arraycopy(arrayOfByte, 0, localObject, 0, (int) l);

            return ((byte[])localObject);

        public InputStream getBinaryStream() throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            if (canReadBasicLobDataInLocator()) {
                return dilGetBinaryStream(1L);
            return getDBAccess().newInputStream(this, getBufferSize(), 0L);

        public long position(byte[] paramArrayOfByte, long paramLong) throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            return getDBAccess().position(this, paramArrayOfByte, paramLong);

        public long position(Blob paramBlob, long paramLong) throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            return getDBAccess().position(this, (BLOB) paramBlob, paramLong);

        public int getBytes(long paramLong, int paramInt, byte[] paramArrayOfByte) throws SQLException {
            SQLException localSQLException;
            if (this.isFree) {
                localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(), 192);
                throw localSQLException;
            if ((paramInt < 0) || (paramLong < 0L)) {
                localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(), 68,
                throw localSQLException;

            if (paramArrayOfByte.length < paramInt) {
                paramInt = paramArrayOfByte.length;
            return getDBAccess().getBytes(this, paramLong, paramInt, paramArrayOfByte);

        public int putBytes(long paramLong, byte[] paramArrayOfByte) throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            return setBytes(paramLong, paramArrayOfByte);

        public int putBytes(long paramLong, byte[] paramArrayOfByte, int paramInt) throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            return setBytes(paramLong, paramArrayOfByte, 0, paramInt);

        public OutputStream getBinaryOutputStream() throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            return setBinaryStream(1L);

        public byte[] getLocator() {
            return getBytes();

        public void setLocator(byte[] paramArrayOfByte) {

        public int getChunkSize() throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            if (this.dbChunkSize <= 0) {
                this.dbChunkSize = getDBAccess().getChunkSize(this);

            return this.dbChunkSize;

        public int getBufferSize() throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            int i = getChunkSize();
            int j = i;

            if ((i >= 32768) || (i <= 0)) {
                j = 32768;
            } else {
                j = 32768 / i * i;

            return j;

        public static BLOB empty_lob() throws SQLException {
            return getEmptyBLOB();

        public static BLOB getEmptyBLOB() throws SQLException {
            byte[] arrayOfByte = new byte[86];

            arrayOfByte[1] = 84;
            arrayOfByte[5] = 24;

            BLOB localBLOB = new BLOB();


            return localBLOB;

        public boolean isEmptyLob() throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            boolean bool = (shareBytes()[5] & 0x10) != 0;

            return bool;

        public boolean isSecureFile() throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            boolean bool = (shareBytes()[7] & 0xFFFFFF80) != 0;
            return bool;

        public OutputStream getBinaryOutputStream(long paramLong) throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            return getDBAccess().newOutputStream(this, getBufferSize(), paramLong, false);

        public InputStream getBinaryStream(long paramLong) throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            if (canReadBasicLobDataInLocator()) {
                return dilGetBinaryStream(paramLong);
            return getDBAccess().newInputStream(this, getBufferSize(), paramLong);

        public void trim(long paramLong) throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;

        public static BLOB createTemporary(Connection paramConnection, boolean paramBoolean, int paramInt)
                throws SQLException {
            int i = paramInt;

            if (paramInt == 1) {
                i = 10;
            if (paramInt == 2) {
                i = 12;
            if ((paramConnection == null) || ((i != 10) && (i != 12))) {
                localObject = DatabaseError.createSqlException(null, 68,
                        "'conn' should not be null and 'duration' should either be equal to DURATION_SESSION or to DURATION_CALL");

                ((SQLException) localObject).fillInStackTrace();
                throw ((SQLException) localObject);

            Object localObject = ((oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection) paramConnection).physicalConnectionWithin();

            return ((BLOB) getDBAccess((Connection) localObject).createTemporaryBlob((Connection) localObject, paramBoolean,

        public static void freeTemporary(BLOB paramBLOB) throws SQLException {
            if (paramBLOB == null) {

        public static boolean isTemporary(BLOB paramBLOB) throws SQLException {
            if (paramBLOB == null) {
                return false;
            return paramBLOB.isTemporary();

        public void freeTemporary() throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;

            int i = getDBAccess().decrementTempLobReferenceCount(shareBytes());

            if (i == 0)
                getDBAccess().freeTemporary(this, this.fromObject);

        public boolean isTemporary() throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            return getDBAccess().isTemporary(this);

        public void open(LargeObjectAccessMode paramLargeObjectAccessMode) throws SQLException {

        public void open(int paramInt) throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            getDBAccess().open(this, paramInt);

        public void close() throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;

        public boolean isOpen() throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            return getDBAccess().isOpen(this);

        public int setBytes(long paramLong, byte[] paramArrayOfByte) throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;

            return getDBAccess().putBytes(this, paramLong, paramArrayOfByte, 0,
                    (paramArrayOfByte != null) ? paramArrayOfByte.length : 0);

        public int setBytes(long paramLong, byte[] paramArrayOfByte, int paramInt1, int paramInt2) throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            return getDBAccess().putBytes(this, paramLong, paramArrayOfByte, paramInt1, paramInt2);

        public OutputStream setBinaryStream(long paramLong) throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            return getDBAccess().newOutputStream(this, getBufferSize(), paramLong, true);

        public void truncate(long paramLong) throws SQLException {
            SQLException localSQLException;
            if (this.isFree) {
                localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(), 192);
                throw localSQLException;
            if (paramLong < 0L) {
                localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(), 68,
                        "'len' should be >= 0. ");
                throw localSQLException;

            getDBAccess().trim(this, paramLong);

        public Object toJdbc() throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            return this;

        public boolean isConvertibleTo(Class paramClass) {
            String str = paramClass.getName();

            return ((str.compareTo("java.io.InputStream") == 0) || (str.compareTo("java.io.Reader") == 0));

        public Reader characterStreamValue() throws SQLException {
            return getDBAccess().newConversionReader(this, 8);

        public InputStream asciiStreamValue() throws SQLException {
            return getDBAccess().newConversionInputStream(this, 2);

        public InputStream binaryStreamValue() throws SQLException {
            return getBinaryStream();

        public Object makeJdbcArray(int paramInt) {
            return new BLOB[paramInt];

        public BlobDBAccess getDBAccess() throws SQLException {
            SQLException localSQLException;
            if (this.dbaccess == null) {
                if (isEmptyLob()) {
                    localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(), 98);
                    throw localSQLException;

                this.dbaccess = getInternalConnection().createBlobDBAccess();

            if (getPhysicalConnection().isClosed()) {
                localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(), 8);
                throw localSQLException;

            return this.dbaccess;

        public static BlobDBAccess getDBAccess(Connection paramConnection) throws SQLException {
            return ((oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection) paramConnection).physicalConnectionWithin().createBlobDBAccess();

        public Connection getJavaSqlConnection() throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException;
            return super.getJavaSqlConnection();

        public final void setLength(long paramLong) {
            this.cachedLobLength = paramLong;

        public final void setChunkSize(int paramInt) {
            this.dbChunkSize = paramInt;

        public final void setPrefetchedData(byte[] paramArrayOfByte) {
            if (paramArrayOfByte == null)
                setPrefetchedData(null, 0);
                setPrefetchedData(paramArrayOfByte, paramArrayOfByte.length);

        public final void setPrefetchedData(byte[] paramArrayOfByte, int paramInt) {
            this.prefetchData = paramArrayOfByte;
            this.prefetchDataSize = paramInt;

        public final byte[] getPrefetchedData() {
            return this.prefetchData;

        public final int getPrefetchedDataSize() {
            return this.prefetchDataSize;

        public final void setActivePrefetch(boolean paramBoolean) {
            if ((this.activePrefetch) && (!(paramBoolean)))
            this.activePrefetch = paramBoolean;

        public final void clearCachedData() {
            this.cachedLobLength = -1L;
            this.prefetchData = null;

        public final boolean isActivePrefetch() {
            return this.activePrefetch;

        boolean canReadBasicLobDataInLocator() throws SQLException {
            byte[] arrayOfByte = shareBytes();
            if ((arrayOfByte == null) || (arrayOfByte.length < 102)) {
              return false;
            if (!getPhysicalConnection().isDataInLocatorEnabled()) {
              return false;
            int i = arrayOfByte[6] & 0xFF;
            int j = arrayOfByte[7] & 0xFF;
            int k = (i & 0x8) == 8 ? 1 : 0;
            int m = (j & 0xFFFFFF80) == -128 ? 1 : 0;
            int n = 0;
            if ((k != 0) && (m == 0))
              n = ((arrayOfByte[88] & 0xFF) & 0x8) == 8 ? 1 : 0;
            return (k != 0) && (m == 0) && (n != 0);

        int dilLength() {
            return (shareBytes().length - 86 - 16);

        byte[] dilGetBytes(long paramLong, int paramInt) throws SQLException {
            if (paramInt == 0) {
                return new byte[0];

            if (dilLength() == 0) {
                return null;
            int i = (int) Math.min(paramInt, dilLength() - (paramLong - 1L));

            if (i <= 0) {
                return null;

            byte[] arrayOfByte = new byte[i];
            System.arraycopy(shareBytes(), (int) (paramLong - 1L) + 86 + 16, arrayOfByte, 0, i);
            return arrayOfByte;

        InputStream dilGetBinaryStream(long paramLong) throws SQLException {
            if (paramLong < 0L) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Arguments");

            byte[] arrayOfByte = dilGetBytes(paramLong, dilLength());

            if (arrayOfByte == null) {
                arrayOfByte = new byte[0];

            return new ByteArrayInputStream(arrayOfByte);

        public void free() throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree)
            if (isOpen())
            if (isTemporary())
            this.isFree = true;
            this.dbaccess = null;

        public InputStream getBinaryStream(long paramLong1, long paramLong2) throws SQLException {
            if (this.isFree) {
                SQLException localSQLException1 = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException1;
            if (canReadBasicLobDataInLocator()) {
                return dilGetBinaryStream(paramLong1, paramLong2);
            long l = length();
            if ((paramLong1 < 1L) || (paramLong2 < 0L) || (paramLong1 > l) || (paramLong1 - 1L + paramLong2 > l)) {
                SQLException localSQLException2 = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(),
                throw localSQLException2;
            return getDBAccess().newInputStream(this, getChunkSize(), paramLong1, paramLong2);

        InputStream dilGetBinaryStream(long paramLong1, long paramLong2) throws SQLException {
            int i = dilLength();
            if ((paramLong1 < 1L) || (paramLong2 < 0L) || (paramLong1 > i) || (paramLong1 - 1L + paramLong2 > i)) {
                localObject = DatabaseError.createSqlException(getConnectionDuringExceptionHandling(), 68);
                ((SQLException) localObject).fillInStackTrace();
                throw ((SQLException) localObject);
            byte[] localObject = dilGetBytes(paramLong1, i - (int) (paramLong1 - 1L));
            return ((InputStream) new ByteArrayInputStream(localObject, 0, (int) paramLong2));