sql >> Base de Datos >  >> RDS >> Mysql

Obtener resultados de procedimientos almacenados de mySQL en otro procedimiento almacenado

Parece (según esta comunidad y porque no pude encontrar ningún ejemplo de procedimientos almacenados que usen conjuntos de resultados de otros procedimientos almacenados como tablas en nuevas tablas de selección) que mysql no admite esto o que es ridículamente difícil hacer lo que yo esperaba hacer.

Entonces, en lugar de llamar a los procedimientos almacenados, copié las consultas en este procedimiento final.


    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `get_team_stats_change`(
        IN team_id INT
    SELECT SUM(start_weight) AS start_weight, 
        SUM(start_body_fat) AS start_body_fat, 
        SUM(current_weight) AS current_weight,
        SUM(current_body_fat) AS current_body_fat,
        SUM(weight_change) AS weight_change, 
        SUM(body_fat_change) AS body_fat_change FROM (
    SELECT ls.person_id, 
        fs.weight AS start_weight, fs.body_fat AS start_body_fat, 
        ls.weight AS current_weight, ls.body_fat AS current_body_fat,
        fs.weight - ls.weight AS weight_change, fs.body_fat - ls.body_fat AS body_fat_change
    (SELECT ttd.person_id, bs.weight, bs.body_fat, bs.test_date
    FROM body_stats AS bs
        ((SELECT pbs.person_id,  min(bs.test_date)  AS first_test, max(bs.test_date) AS last_test   
        FROM body_stats AS bs,
            person_body_stats AS pbs,
            team_member AS tm,
            team AS t
        WHERE t.team_id = team_id
        AND tm.team_id = t.team_id
        AND tm.person_id = pbs.person_id
        AND pbs.body_stats_id = bs.body_stats_id
        AND tm.start_date  bs.test_date
        AND bs.test_date >= t.starting_date
        GROUP BY person_id) AS ttd,
        person_body_stats AS pbs)
    ON bs.test_date = ttd.first_test 
        AND pbs.person_id = ttd.person_id 
        AND pbs.body_stats_id = bs.body_stats_id) AS fs,

    (SELECT ttd.person_id, bs.weight, bs.body_fat, bs.test_date
    FROM body_stats AS bs
        ((SELECT pbs.person_id,  min(bs.test_date)  AS first_test, max(bs.test_date) AS last_test   
        FROM body_stats AS bs,
            person_body_stats AS pbs,
            team_member AS tm,
            team AS t
        WHERE t.team_id = team_id
        AND tm.team_id = t.team_id
        AND tm.person_id = pbs.person_id
        AND pbs.body_stats_id = bs.body_stats_id
        AND tm.start_date  bs.test_date
        AND bs.test_date >= t.starting_date
        GROUP BY person_id) AS ttd,
        person_body_stats AS pbs)
    ON bs.test_date = ttd.last_test 
        AND pbs.person_id = ttd.person_id 
        AND pbs.body_stats_id = bs.body_stats_id) AS ls
        WHERE ls.person_id = fs.person_id
       ) AS delta;