sql >> Base de Datos >  >> RDS >> Mysql

URL incorrecta al ejecutar la consulta mysql (sin seguir las instrucciones de ubicación del encabezado de php)

Espero que esto ayude, he escrito una página web que usa la ubicación del encabezado. Tal vez puedas ver si hiciste algo incorrectamente:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./static/css/mobile-login.css">
<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./static/css/mobile.css"> -->

function goBack()

<title>Register | Mobile</title>
<body background="../images/mobile/login-bkg.jpg">
<a href="https://localhost/m/">
<img src="../static/images/logo.png">
<div id="login-panel" class="panel">
<div class="panel-container">

// Create connection

// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
  echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

        $email      = isset($_POST['email'])?( strtolower(trim($_POST['email'])) ):'';
    $fullname   = isset($_POST['name'])?(trim($_POST['name'])):'';
    $username   = isset($_POST['username'])?(trim($_POST['username'])):'';
    $password2  = isset($_POST['password2'])?(trim($_POST['password2'])):'';
    $password   = isset($_POST['password'])?(trim($_POST['password'])):'';
        $accept_terms   = isset($_POST['accept_terms'])&&$_POST['accept_terms']==1;

    // Check for duplicate entries
    $result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT  * FROM users WHERE email='$email'");
    if($result) {
        echo 'That email was already used';
        echo '<strong> <button onclick="goBack()">Go back</button></strong><br>';

    // handle the error of the passwords not matching
    if ($password != $password2){
    echo 'Passwords did not match. Go back and try again, <a href="https://localhost/mobile_register.php">return</a>';
$sql="INSERT INTO users (fullname, username, email, password)

if (!mysqli_query($con,$sql))
  die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con));
echo "You are now registered<br>";
echo "<a href='http://localhost/m/'>Login</a>";
<div class="clear"></div>