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¿Cómo verifica el valor coincidente en la tercera columna en función de distintas combinaciones de otras dos columnas?

Puedes group by building, location para las filas where object in ('WALL', 'WINDOW') :

select building, location, 'FLAG' action
from tablename
where object in ('WALL', 'WINDOW')
group by building, location
having count(distinct object) < 2

La condición count(distinct object) < 2 en el having la cláusula devuelve una combinación de building, location donde 'WALL' y 'WINDOW' ambos no existen.
Vea la demostración .

| building | location | action |
| -------- | -------- | ------ |
| A        | FLOOR2   | FLAG   |
| B        | FLOOR1   | FLAG   |


select t.building, t.location, 'FLAG' action
from tablename t
where object in ('WALL', 'WINDOW')
and not exists (
  select 1 from tablename
  where building = t.building and location = t.location and object <> t.object

Vea la demostración .