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Agregue segmentos superpuestos para medir la longitud efectiva

Mi DBMS principal es Teradata, pero también funcionará como está en Oracle.

WITH all_meas AS
 ( -- get a distinct list of all from/to points
   SELECT road_id, from_meas AS meas
   FROM road_events
   SELECT road_id, to_meas
   FROM road_events
-- select * from all_meas order by 1,2
 , all_ranges AS
 ( -- create from/to ranges
   SELECT road_id, meas AS from_meas 
      Over (PARTITION BY road_id
            ORDER BY meas) AS to_meas
   FROM all_meas
 -- SELECT * from all_ranges order by 1,2
, all_event_ranges AS
 ( -- now match the ranges to the event ranges
     ,ar.to_meas - ar.from_meas AS event_length
     -- used to filter the latest event as multiple events might cover the same range 
      Over (PARTITION BY ar.road_id, ar.from_meas
            ORDER BY year DESC) AS rn
   FROM all_ranges ar
   JOIN road_events re
     ON ar.road_id = re.road_id
    AND ar.from_meas < re.to_meas
    AND ar.to_meas > re.from_meas
   WHERE ar.to_meas IS NOT NULL
SELECT event_id, road_id, year, total_road_length, Sum(event_length)
FROM all_event_ranges
WHERE rn = 1 -- latest year only
GROUP BY event_id, road_id, year, total_road_length
ORDER BY road_id, year DESC;

Si necesita devolver el from/to_meas cubierto real (como en su pregunta antes de editar), podría ser más complicado. La primera parte es la misma, pero sin agregación, la consulta puede devolver filas adyacentes con el mismo event_id (por ejemplo, para el evento 3:0-1 y 1-25):

SELECT * FROM all_event_ranges
WHERE rn = 1
ORDER BY road_id, from_meas;

Si desea fusionar filas adyacentes, necesita dos pasos más (usando un enfoque estándar, marque la primera fila de un grupo y calcule un número de grupo):

WITH all_meas AS
   SELECT road_id, from_meas AS meas
   FROM road_events
   SELECT road_id, to_meas
   FROM road_events
-- select * from all_meas order by 1,2
 , all_ranges AS
   SELECT road_id, meas AS from_meas 
      Over (PARTITION BY road_id
            ORDER BY meas) AS to_meas
   FROM all_meas
-- SELECT * from all_ranges order by 1,2
, all_event_ranges AS
     ,ar.to_meas - ar.from_meas AS event_length
      Over (PARTITION BY ar.road_id, ar.from_meas
            ORDER BY year DESC) AS rn
   FROM all_ranges ar
   JOIN road_events  re
     ON ar.road_id = re.road_id
    AND ar.from_meas < re.to_meas
    AND ar.to_meas > re.from_meas
   WHERE ar.to_meas IS NOT NULL
-- SELECT * FROM all_event_ranges WHERE rn = 1 ORDER BY road_id, from_meas
, adjacent_events AS 
 ( -- assign 1 to the 1st row of an event
   SELECT t.*
     ,CASE WHEN Lag(event_id)
                Over(PARTITION BY road_id
                     ORDER BY from_meas) = event_id
           THEN 0 
           ELSE 1 
      END AS flag
   FROM all_event_ranges t
   WHERE rn = 1
-- SELECT * FROM adjacent_events ORDER BY road_id, from_meas 
, grouped_events AS
 ( -- assign a groupnumber to adjacent rows using a Cumulative Sum over 0/1
   SELECT t.*
      Over (PARTITION BY road_id
            ORDER BY from_meas
            ROWS Unbounded Preceding) AS grp
   FROM adjacent_events t
-- SELECT * FROM grouped_events ORDER BY  road_id, from_meas
SELECT event_id, road_id, year, Min(from_meas), Max(to_meas), total_road_length, Sum(event_length)
FROM grouped_events
GROUP BY event_id, road_id, grp, year, total_road_length
ORDER BY 2, Min(from_meas);


Ups, acabo de encontrar un blog Superposición de rangos con prioridad haciendo exactamente lo mismo con alguna sintaxis simplificada de Oracle. De hecho, traduje mi consulta de otra sintaxis simplificada en Teradata a Standard/Oracle SQL :-)