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Cree un menú dinámico usando conjuntos anidados

La siguiente consulta le permitirá abrir cualquier ruta (o conjuntos de rutas) aprovechando la cláusula de SQL que tiene y MySQL group_concat función.

La siguiente es la definición de la tabla y los datos de muestra que utilicé:

drop table nested_set;

CREATE TABLE nested_set (
 id INT,

INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (1,'HEAD',1,28);
INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (2,'A',2,3);
INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (3,'B',4,17);
INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (4,'B1',5,10);
INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (5,'B1.1',6,7);
INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (6,'B1.2',8,9);
INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (7,'B2',11,16);
INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (8,'B2.1',12,13);
INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (9,'B2.2',14,15);
INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (10,'C',18,25);
INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (11,'C1',19,20);
INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (12,'C2',21,22);
INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (13,'C3',23,24);
INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (14,'D',26,27);

La siguiente consulta le da el árbol completo (excepto HEAD):

, node.lft
, node.rgt
, node.name
,  GROUP_CONCAT(parent.name ORDER BY parent.lft  SEPARATOR "/" ) AS path
,  (COUNT(parent.lft) - 1) AS depth
FROM nested_set AS node
inner join nested_set AS parent
on node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
where parent.lft > 1
GROUP BY node.id

Con un resultado de lo siguiente cuando se ejecuta contra los datos de muestra:

| id   | lft | rgt | name | path      | depth |
|    2 |   2 |   3 | A    | A         |     0 |
|    3 |   4 |  17 | B    | B         |     0 |
|    4 |   5 |  10 | B1   | B/B1      |     1 |
|    5 |   6 |   7 | B1.1 | B/B1/B1.1 |     2 |
|    6 |   8 |   9 | B1.2 | B/B1/B1.2 |     2 |
|    7 |  11 |  16 | B2   | B/B2      |     1 |
|    8 |  12 |  13 | B2.1 | B/B2/B2.1 |     2 |
|    9 |  14 |  15 | B2.2 | B/B2/B2.2 |     2 |
|   10 |  18 |  25 | C    | C         |     0 |
|   11 |  19 |  20 | C1   | C/C1      |     1 |
|   12 |  21 |  22 | C2   | C/C2      |     1 |
|   13 |  23 |  24 | C3   | C/C3      |     1 |
|   14 |  26 |  27 | D    | D         |     0 |

Las siguientes adiciones a la consulta anterior le darán el control que necesita para abrir las distintas secciones:

depth = 0
or ('<PATH_TO_OPEN>' =  left(path, length('<PATH_TO_OPEN>'))
   and depth = length('<PATH_TO_OPEN>') - length(replace('<PATH_TO_OPEN>', '/', '')) + 1)

La cláusula que tiene aplica filtros a los resultados del grupo por consulta. La parte "profundidad =0" es para garantizar que siempre tengamos los nodos del menú base (A, B, C y D). La siguiente parte es la parte que controla qué nodos están abiertos. Compara la ruta de los nodos con una ruta establecida que desea abrir ('') para ver si coincide y también se asegura de que solo abra el nivel en la ruta. La sección completa o con la lógica '' se puede duplicar y agregar según sea necesario para abrir múltiples rutas según sea necesario. Asegúrese de que '' no termine en una barra inclinada final (/).

Los siguientes son algunos ejemplos de resultados para mostrarle cómo construiría consultas para obtener los resultados que deseaba:

=========Open B==========

, node.lft
, node.rgt
, node.name
,  GROUP_CONCAT(parent.name ORDER BY parent.lft  SEPARATOR "/" ) AS path
,  (COUNT(parent.lft) - 1) AS depth
FROM nested_set AS node
inner join nested_set AS parent
on node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
where parent.lft > 1
GROUP BY node.id
depth = 0
or ('B' =  left(path, length('B'))
   and depth = length('B') - length(replace('B', '/', '')) + 1)

| id   | lft | rgt | name | path | depth |
|    2 |   2 |   3 | A    | A    |     0 |
|    3 |   4 |  17 | B    | B    |     0 |
|    4 |   5 |  10 | B1   | B/B1 |     1 |
|    7 |  11 |  16 | B2   | B/B2 |     1 |
|   10 |  18 |  25 | C    | C    |     0 |
|   14 |  26 |  27 | D    | D    |     0 |

=========Open B and B/B1==========

, node.lft
, node.rgt
, node.name
,  GROUP_CONCAT(parent.name ORDER BY parent.lft  SEPARATOR "/" ) AS path
,  (COUNT(parent.lft) - 1) AS depth
FROM nested_set AS node
inner join nested_set AS parent
on node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
where parent.lft > 1
GROUP BY node.id
depth = 0
or ('B' =  left(path, length('B'))
   and depth = length('B') - length(replace('B', '/', '')) + 1)
or ('B/B1' =  left(path, length('B/B1'))
   and depth = length('B/B1') - length(replace('B/B1', '/', '')) + 1)

| id   | lft | rgt | name | path      | depth |
|    2 |   2 |   3 | A    | A         |     0 |
|    3 |   4 |  17 | B    | B         |     0 |
|    4 |   5 |  10 | B1   | B/B1      |     1 |
|    5 |   6 |   7 | B1.1 | B/B1/B1.1 |     2 |
|    6 |   8 |   9 | B1.2 | B/B1/B1.2 |     2 |
|    7 |  11 |  16 | B2   | B/B2      |     1 |
|   10 |  18 |  25 | C    | C         |     0 |
|   14 |  26 |  27 | D    | D         |     0 |

=========Open B and B/B1 and C==========

, node.lft
, node.rgt
, node.name
,  GROUP_CONCAT(parent.name ORDER BY parent.lft  SEPARATOR "/" ) AS path
,  (COUNT(parent.lft) - 1) AS depth
FROM nested_set AS node
inner join nested_set AS parent
on node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
where parent.lft > 1
GROUP BY node.id
depth = 0
or ('B' =  left(path, length('B'))
   and depth = length('B') - length(replace('B', '/', '')) + 1)
or ('B/B1' =  left(path, length('B/B1'))
   and depth = length('B/B1') - length(replace('B/B1', '/', '')) + 1)
or ('C' =  left(path, length('C'))
   and depth = length('C') - length(replace('C', '/', '')) + 1)

| id   | lft | rgt | name | path      | depth |
|    2 |   2 |   3 | A    | A         |     0 |
|    3 |   4 |  17 | B    | B         |     0 |
|    4 |   5 |  10 | B1   | B/B1      |     1 |
|    5 |   6 |   7 | B1.1 | B/B1/B1.1 |     2 |
|    6 |   8 |   9 | B1.2 | B/B1/B1.2 |     2 |
|    7 |  11 |  16 | B2   | B/B2      |     1 |
|   10 |  18 |  25 | C    | C         |     0 |
|   11 |  19 |  20 | C1   | C/C1      |     1 |
|   12 |  21 |  22 | C2   | C/C2      |     1 |
|   13 |  23 |  24 | C3   | C/C3      |     1 |
|   14 |  26 |  27 | D    | D         |     0 |

Eso es todo. simplemente sigue duplicando esa o la sección para cada ruta que necesitas abrir.

Consulte http://mikehillyer.com/articles/managing-hierarchical-data -en-mysql/ en caso de que necesite información general sobre cómo trabajar con conjuntos anidados en MySQL.

Hazme saber si tienes alguna pregunta.

