sql >> Base de Datos >  >> RDS >> Mysql

Mostrar el número de veces que apareció una ubicación en la tabla respectiva después de elegir la opción correspondiente de la lista desplegable

Si entendí bien, creo que tu problema es exactamente el el mismo que el anterior . Solo te falta una cláusula WHERE.

A ver si esto funciona:

$con = new mysqli("localhost" ,"root" ,"" ,"user_databases");

//query buildings table for the dropdown
$bquery = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT building_ID, building_name FROM buildings");

$selectedbldg = null;

// if the form was submitted
if (!empty($_POST['bldg']))  {
    // store selected building_ID
    $selectedbldg = $_POST['bldg'];
    // the subquery is used to count how many times each location appears
    // for a particular building
    $count = mysqli_query($con, "
        SELECT lo.location_ID, lo.location_name, dt.num_visits
        FROM location lo
        JOIN (
            SELECT location_ID, COUNT(location_ID) AS num_visits
            FROM delivery_transaction 
            WHERE building_ID = {$selectedbldg}
            GROUP BY location_ID
        ) AS dt ON lo.location_ID = dt.location_ID

    // like before, better to use prepared statement

<!-- ... -->

<section class="row text-center placeholders">
    <div class="table-responsive">
        <table class="table table-striped">
                    <th>Number of Visits</th>
            <!-- PHP alternative syntax for control structures: easier to read (imo) -->
            <!-- isset function is to ensure variable $count exist as it only gets declared in the IF condition (you would get an error otherwise) --> 
            <!-- mysqli_num_rows is to check if there are any results to loop over -->
            <?php if (isset($count) && mysqli_num_rows($count)) : ?> 
                <?php while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($count)) : ?>
                    <td><?= $row['location_ID'] ?></td>
                    <td><?= $row['num_visits'] ?></td>
                <?php endwhile ?>
            <?php else : ?>
                    <td>No results to display</td>
            <?php endif ?>

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